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Ibrahim Bashir

Hey, I'm Ibrahim Bashir

A certified Data Scientist focusing on data driven analytics and building solutions using Machine Learning which empower businesses and provide competitive edge.

About Me Here you will find more information about me, what I do, and my current skills and what services I can offer that can benefit you.

Get to know me!

Hey! It's Ibrahim Bashir 👋 , I'm a Certified Data Scientist and a SQL Database Manager located in Bahawalpur, Pakistan. I work on statistical data analysis offering insights to businesses and idividuals through visualizations and advanced machine learning tools.

Over the years I have learned many differnt technologies to better service my clients. Besides Data Science, I love working on Full Stack Web Development, Web Data Extraction, and Browser Automation projects. Check out some of my work in the Projects section.

Convinced yet? Connect with me on Linkedin and you can also check out more of my projects on Github. Press the contact button below and I will reply as soon as possible.


My Skills

Data Analysis
Machine Learning
Data Extraction
Responsive Design

Projects Here you will find some of the personal and clients projects that I created with each project containing its own case study

Software Screenshot

Extracting Customer Reviews

This is the case study of a project which involved extracting customer reviews. These reviews could later be used to analyze customer behavior and interests.

Case Study
Software Screenshot

Database for Library Management

This project focuses on a database solution to manage the requirements of a library. This comprehensive database can keep track of information about book, members and transactions.

Case Study
Software Screenshot

Analyzing Speeches Given by Imran Khan Using LDA Model

This is a machine learning project which analyzes speeches given by the former prime minister of Pakistan, "Imran Khan", to uncover insights into the rhetoric and style of his leadership over the years.

Case Study

Contact Feel free to Contact me by submitting the form below and I will get back to you as soon as possible